The enterprise's production structure is determined by the technological requirements for the various stages of processing sunflower seeds, rapeseed, and soybeans into oil and meal, which are the main finished products. The company has implemented a quality and food safety management system based on DSTU ISO 22000 standards and is continuously improving it.

2 500

Raw material acceptance capacity
100 000 м³

One-time storage volume of the elevator
330 000

Production capacity for processing sunflower seeds

750 TPD

Capacity to receive raw materials by rail

2 500 TPD

Capacity to receive raw materials by railway

100 000 m³

One-time storage volume

330 000 TPY

Production capacity for processing sunflower seeds

The enterprise's main production units include:
  • A workshop for handling raw materials (including acceptance, drying, cleaning, and storage)
  • An oil extraction production unit consisting of: crumbling, oil-pressing, filtering, extraction departments, departments for hydrating and granulating husk and meal
  • A workshop for finished products (including storage and shipment, railway logistics)
  • A laboratory
  • Engineering services: steam power and energy facilities, a mechanical workshop, and a road transport section

Acceptance of raw materials
The raw material acceptance capacity is up to 2500 tons per day.
Seed sampling is carried out using an automatic sampler on a COBRA 4012 Standard monorail (made in France).
The factory certified laboratory analyzes each batch of supplied raw materials (sunflower, soybeans, rapeseed) for compliance with quality characteristics in terms of trash content, moisture content, oil content, and other indicators in accordance with regulatory documents.
Weighing of the received raw materials is carried out on two automobile weighing machines (80 and 60 tons).
The raw material workshop includes a grain cleaning and grain drying complex. The grain dryer is equipped with a heat generator that runs on sunflower husk.
The received raw materials are worked on - they are dried up to the planned indicators (no more than 8% moisture content) and cleaned of trash (no more than 3%), after which the raw materials are stored.
Unloading is carried out on a hydraulic truck unloader or dump trucks, at 4 points of unloading.
2nd stage
Storage of raw materials
At the Combine there is an Elevator - a consumable storage of a silo type - 4 metal silos with a total storage volume of 100 thousand cubic meters.
One-time storage volume -
40,000 tons of sunflower seeds, or 75,000 tons of soybean seeds, or 65,000 tons of rapeseed.
Processing - oil extraction production
Sunflower seed preparation.
For processing, sunflower seeds in a continuous flow enter the crumbling department of the oil extraction plant, where the seeds are properly prepared before oil extraction.
Initially, the separator cleans the seeds from trash to the specified parameters, then the seeds are weighed in the flow and transferred to the seed plows for dehulling - separating the husk from the kernel.
The hulled seeds in a continuous flow are fed to seed-beaters, where the husk is separated from the general flow of raw materials and is transferred through transport elements to the plant's boiler room for the production of steam used in the processing of seeds, and the remainder of the husk is for pelleting.

Press oil production
The peeled kernel of sunflower seeds (or rapeseed or soybean seeds) is transferred for grinding to roller mills in the press department.
The crushed kernel goes to moisture-heat treatment, after which the first oil extraction is performed.
Moisture-heat treatment takes place in braziers and facilitates the extraction of oil on oil presses.
At the exit from the press get:
1) press oil, which is sent for cleaning to the filtration department,
2) cake, which enters the extraction department.
Extraction of cake and production of extraction oil
The cake at the exit from the press contains oil in the amount of 16 - 21%. The extraction of oil from this cake is carried out in the extraction department by the extraction method, i.e. by treating the cake with a hexane solvent in an extractor. Intermediate products come out of the extractor - not toasted meal and miscella. These products contain solvent that must be removed. For this, miscella is fed to a distillation unit, where distillation is carried out - removing the solvent from the oil. The meal enters the toaster, where the solvent is stripped off.
At this stage, the following are developed:
- extraction oil, which is sent for purification to the hydration section.
- non-granulated toasted meal, which goes to the meal granulation department.
Oil purification and filtration

The press oil contains suspended particles, the removal of which (primary cleaning) takes place in a fusor trap and then on vertical filters. After primary cleaning, the oil is weighed, dried and stored in the tanks of the finished product warehouse.
The extraction oil goes through the process of purification and subsequent drying in the hydration department and then goes for storage to the tanks of the finished product warehouse.
When oil is purified by hydration, an additional product is produced - phosphatide concentrate (lecithin), which is transferred to the finished product warehouse in a special container.
Meal granulation

Non-granulated toasted meal is granulated in the meal granulation department, cooled and stored in the Elevator - meal warehouse - 4 conical silos. The specific gravity of granulated meal is 0.6 tons per 1 cubic meter, in contrast to non-granulated meal - 0.4 ton per 1 cubic meter. This reduces the cost of transportation and storage of meal by consumers.
Also, granulation of meal allows to obtain the moisture content and temperature of the product of the standard value, which improves its storage.
Pelletizing and storage of husk - fuel pellets

The surplus husk is transferred to the granulation department, granulated into fuel pellets, stored in the granulated husk warehouse and then sold in bulk or in Big-bags.
4th stage
Storage of finished products
up to 5 700 tons
Vegetable oil storage volume
up to 5 000 tons
Storage volume of granulated meal
up to 1 500 tons
Storage volume of pelleted husk

up to 40 tons
Storage volume of phosphatide concentrate
up to 5 700 tons
Vegetable oil storage volume
up to 5 000 tons
Storage volume of granulated meal
up to 1 500 tons
Storage volume of pelleted husk

up to 40 tons
Storage volume of phosphatide concentrate
Shipment of finished products
All finished products (oil, meal, pelleted husk) are shipped by rail in railway tanks, grain carriers or containers, as well as by road. Phosphatide concentrate is shipped by road.
On the territory of the plant there are 4 dead-end railway tracks for 55 units of rolling stock with the ability to move cars from one track to another.
Indoor workshop for automated loading simultaneously for 8 railway tanks for oil and for 8 railway grain carriers for meal.

Loading capacity into railway wagons is up to 1200 tons per day of oil and 1200 tons of meal.
The total length of the factory railways is 1 km. There are also 2 rail scales.

The certified laboratory of the enterprise is equipped with the most modern equipment and measurement methods, which allows constant control of raw materials and finished products at all stages of the production process, guaranteeing high quality of oil, meal, phosphatide concentrate and granulated husk.
Energy economy
Boiler room. Two boilers - E-10.0-2.4R and DKVR 6.5 / 13. Fuel is husk.
The total steam productivity is 16 t / h.

Electrical site. The power supply of the plant is provided by a 35 kV cable line, and there are also 2 backup lines of 10 kV. Substation with a 35 / 10kV high-voltage transformer with a power of 4 MW and a 10 kV complete switchgear, consisting of six KRUN cells, equipped with vacuum switches, microprocessor relay protection and automation. Three high-voltage substations with transformers - 10 / 0.4 kV. The maximum permitted power consumption is 3000 kW / h. The voltage class is the first. Reliability category - III. The enterprise has an automatic system for commercial metering of electricity.
In the event of an emergency power outage, the power supply circuit has a diesel generator with a capacity of 330 kW, equipped with an automatic transfer switch (automatic transfer switch).

Water supply. 2 artesian wells, a water supply network with a total length of 1.5 km.

Fire water supply - about 1 km, 2 fire tanks with a capacity of 650 cubic meters, automatic water supply.

Sewerage and stormwater network with a total length of more than 1 km.